Skylaunch: The Leading Manufacturer of High-Quality Glider Winching Systems
Exceptional Service and Support
Skylaunch is renowned for its exceptional service and support, offering a comprehensive range of glider and sailplane winching systems, as well as special purpose winches and equipment.
Innovative and Reliable Winches
Our latest and most popular glider winches, including the EVO ELECTRO, EVO, ECO, and UNO, cater to the diverse budgets and requirements of gliding clubs worldwide. These winches are designed to launch gliders to altitudes of over 2000 feet.
Global Reach and Military Support
Skylaunch's winches have been deployed at gliding clubs around the world, providing safe and reliable launches. We also support military personnel globally and assist in the production of thrilling action sequences.
Tested and Ready for Launch
All our winches undergo rigorous testing before being made available for purchase. Customers can choose from winches priced at 48295 or opt for a new trailer with full training at 55195.